دوشنبه 24 شهریور 13999/14/2020
| دوشنبه 24 شهریور 1399 | ( 0 )
Water Shortages and Pollution Punishing Asalouyeh Residents

Despite the huge oil and gas resources in Asalouyeh County in Bushehr Province, local residents suffer from major problems, namely water shortages and air pollution.

For years water in summer is rationed in Asalouyeh’s rural districts including Chah-e-Mobarak, Nakhl Taghi, Sahmui-ye-Shomali and Nayband, ISNA reported.

With 80,000 people (up from 60,000 in the 2011 census), Asalouyeh residents have limited access to potable water during the day and in some areas piped water is cut for days together and people have no option but to buy bottled water.

Located in southwestern Iran, the arid province is one of the most water-stressed regions. Rural folks told the news agency that they are forced to spend the equivalent of $30 a month to buy water, which is 30% of the average salary.

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